New York City 311 complaint

Bed Bug Information or Complaint

Get information about bed bugs. Report that there are bugs in a residence, hotel, day care center, or subway.

Blocked Sidewalk or Street Complaint

Report a blocked sidewalk or street.

Bridge Information or Complaint

Get information or make a complaint about a bridge.

Building Construction Complaint

Report a building construction violation.

Fight a Parking Ticket

Request a hearing to fight a parking ticket, or appeal a hearing if you were found guilty.

Fire Hydrant Leaking or Running

Report a fire hydrant that is leaking, running, or running full.

Illegal Building Conversion or Occupancy Complaint

Report illegal conversion or alteration of a building.

Illegal Parking Complaint

Report an illegally parked vehicle.

Landlord Maintenance Complaint

Report a problem with the maintenance of a residential building. Get a copy of a past complaint.

Noise from Large Party or Large Crowd

Report of a large, loud party that has potential for danger.

Noise from Neighbor

Report a noisy neighbor.

Noise from Street or Sidewalk

Report noise from the street or sidewalk, including traffic.

Pothole or Other Street Surface Complaint

Report a pothole or other condition making the roadway uneven, such as a cave-in, defective manhole, or street hardware problem.

Rodent Complaint

Report rats, mice, or conditions that might attract them.

Sewer Backup Information or Complaint

Learn about cleaning up after a flood or report a sewer backup.

Street Light Request or Complaint

Request street light repair, installation or relocation.

Street Sign Defect Complaint

Report a sign that is broken, defaced, incorrect, dangling, or missing.

Water Complaint

Report no water, no hot water, only scalding hot water, or poor water quality or pressure.

Yellow Taxi Complaint

Make a complaint about a yellow taxi driver's rudeness, unsafe driving, or refusal to comply with a request, or a problem with vehicle maintenance.

Abandoned Vehicle

Report an abandoned vehicle on public or private property.

Access-A-Ride Information or Complaint

Get information about paratransit transportation for people with disabilities or make a complaint about Access-A-Ride.


Report an alarm going off.

Bag of Garbage or Loose Debris in Street Complaint

Report a stray bag of garbage or loose debris in a driving or biking lane of a street.

Car Service, Limousine, or Ambulette Complaint

Make a complaint about a car service company's driver, vehicle, service, or office staff.

Catch Basin Complaint

Report a storm drain that is missing its cover, clogged, sunken, raised, damaged, or defective.

Cooling Assistance Program

Information on State program offering air conditioners for people with a medical condition.

Curb Complaint

Report a curb that is damaged, painted, or illegally cut for a driveway.

Dead Animal

Report a dead animal on public property or get information about dead animal disposal.

Department of Motor Vehicles Information or Complaint

Get information about Department of Motor Vehicles office locations and hours. Make a complaint about an office or employee.

Dirty Sidewalk or Gutter Complaint

Report that a sidewalk or gutter, including 18 inches into the street, is unclean.

Dirty Yard or Alley Complaint

Report of an unclean or untidy yard, alley, or court that is visible from the street.

Fire Hydrant Complaint

Report a hydrant that is damaged, missing, or being used inappropriately.

Fireworks Complaint

Report the illegal use or sale of fireworks.

Food Safety Complaint and Information

Report unsanitary conditions where food is sold.

Hazardous Location or Situation

Report a situation with potential for immediate danger to life and/or property.

Heat Complaint

Report that a building is underheated or overheated.

Highway Surface Complaint

Report conditions making the roadway uneven, such as potholes, defective manholes and other utility hardware issues. Request highway resurfacing.

Illegal Animal Complaint

Report a person selling or keeping a wild or illegal animal as a pet.

Illegal Dumping Complaint

Report the dumping of large amounts of trash.

Littering Complaint

Report chronic littering of small amounts of trash and debris.

Missed Garbage or Recycling Collection Complaint

Report that garbage or recycling was not collected on the scheduled day.

Mold Information or Complaint

Get information about mold or report mold in a building.

Noise from Club or Bar

Report noise from inside a club or bar.

Noise from Dog

Report noise from a barking dog.

Noise from Helicopter

Report noise from a helicopter.

Noise from Ice Cream Truck

Report music from an ice cream truck.

Noise from Store or Business

Report noise other than an alarm from a store or commercial location.

Park Maintenance Complaint

Report a park or park facility in need of cleaning or repair.

Parking Meter Information or Complaint

Get information or make a request about a Muni-Meter. Report a problem with a Muni-Meter.

Power Outage or Blackout

Report a power outage or blackout to Con Edison or Long Island Power Authority (LIPA).

Red Light Camera Information or Complaint

Get information about red light cameras, make a request or complaint, or pay or fight a red light camera violation.

Sidewalk Information or Complaint

Get information about sidewalk maintenance or report a sidewalk condition.

Staten Island Ferry Information or Complaint

Get information, make a complaint, or report an item lost or found on the Staten Island Ferry.

Tree Destruction Complaint

Report the destruction of a tree on a street or in a park.

Tunnel Information or Complaint

Get information or make a complaint about a tunnel.

Vehicle Blocking Driveway Complaint

Report a driveway blocked by a vehicle.

Water Leak Complaint

Report water leaking into a public area or basement.

7A Building Complaint

Report a maintenance problem in a 7A building.

Administration for Children's Services Case Status or Complaint

Check the status of an open child welfare case with the Administration for Children's Services (ACS).

After School Program Information or Complaint

Get information about free educational or recreational activities for kids, find an after school program, or make a complaint about a program.

Animal Abuse

Report animal abuse or cruelty.

Animal Bite

Report that an animal bit a person.

Asbestos Complaint

Report asbestos that is exposed or disturbed.

Bar or Club Operating After Hours Complaint

Report a bar or club operating after hours.

Beach, Pool, or Sauna Complaint

Report an unsanitary condition, missing or broken safety equipment, or improper maintenance at a beach, pool, or sauna.

Bees or Wasps Complaint

Make a complaint about a property owner who does not remove bees or wasps from their property.

Bicycle Chained to Public Property

Report a bike chained to public property.

Biking, Rollerblading, or Skating Complaint

Report a problem caused by people biking, riding motorized scooters, rollerblading, or skating.

Bottle Refund Information and Complaint

Get information about the bottle and can refund law or make a complaint about a store not accepting a container.

Bus Stop Shelter Request or Complaint

Report a problem with a bus shelter. Request a new bus stop shelter or relocation of an existing shelter.

Business History and Complaint Information

Get information about business history and complaints against businesses.

Camp Information or Complaint

Get information or make a complaint about a summer, day, or overnight camp.

Car Accident

Report a car accident.

Car Dealer Complaint

Make a consumer complaint against a business that sells new or used cars.

Child Abuse

Report possible child abuse or neglect.

Clogged or Blocked Culvert Complaint

Report a drain underneath a road that requires cleaning or is blocked.

Comment for the Mayor

Send a comment or opinion to the Mayor.

Construction Site Sign Information or Complaint

Learn about construction site sign requirements or report improper signage.

Dead Bird Information or Complaint

Get information about disposing of a dead bird or report a dead bird.

Department of Housing Preservation and Development Residential Building Complaint

Report a maintenance problem in a building that is owned or managed by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development.

Disorderly Person or Group

Report a disorderly person or group creating a hazard or nuisance.

Dog or Animal Waste Complaint

Report property that is unclean due to animal waste.

Drinking Complaint

Report underage drinking or drinking outdoors, in parked cars, or unlicensed establishments.

Drug Activity Complaint

Report illegal drug use or sale.

Dumpster Complaint

Report a dumpster overflowing with garbage or construction debris.

Emergency Traffic Condition

Report a dangerous or hazardous traffic situation, including debris on a highway.

Fence Complaint

Report that a fence is missing, damaged, not secured, or does not comply with regulations.

Fire Hazard Complaint

Report a potential fire hazard.

Flyer or Poster Complaint

Report unwanted posters, advertisements, handbills, signs, menus, or stickers on public property, private property, or vehicles.

Food Poisoning

Report food poisoning.

Foul Odor from Unknown Source Complaint

Report a foul odor coming from an unknown source.

Garage or Parking Lot Complaint

Make a complaint about a privately owned garage or parking lot.

Gas Leak

Report a gas-related emergency or dangerous condition.

Gas Station Complaint

Make a complaint about a gas station.

Graffiti Report

Report graffiti.

Graffiti Report from Building Owner

Report graffiti on a building you own.

Home Care Information or Complaint

Request home attendant services for seniors and for Medicaid-eligible children and adults.

Hospital or Clinic Complaint

Make a complaint about a hospital or clinic.

Identity Theft Information or Complaint

Get information about how to prevent identity theft or report identity theft.

Illegal Eviction or Lockout

Report an eviction or lockout by someone other than a City Marshal or Sheriff.

Indoor Air Quality Complaint

Report bad indoor air quality or odor.

Job Center or Food Stamp Center Complaint

Make a complaint about service or staff at a Job Center or Food Stamp Center.

Lead Paint Information or Complaint

Get information about removing lead paint. Report lead paint or peeling paint in a residential building.

Litter Basket Request or Complaint

Request a public litter basket, report an overflowing or misused basket, donate litter baskets, or adopt a basket.

Loose Trash Complaint

Report garbage placed for pickup that has not been properly secured.

Metal Plate Complaint

Report a shifted, noisy, or slippery steel plate on a street or highway.

NYCHA Pet Policy Information or Non-Compliance Complaint

Get information about NYCHA's pet policy and how to file a non-compliance complaint.

Newsrack Complaint

Report a problem with a sidewalk newsrack.

No Electricity in Apartment Complaint

Report not having any electricity in an apartment building.

Noise from Air Conditioner or Ventilation Equipment

Report noise from an air conditioner, ventilation equipment, or exhaust device.

Noise from Garbage Truck

Report noise from a garbage truck.

Noise from House of Worship

Report noise from inside a house of worship.

Noise from Park

Report noise coming from a park.

Noise from Vehicle

Report noise from a vehicle, including horn honking, engine idling, and loud music.

Outdoor Electric System Complaint

Report faulty Con Edison equipment, including dangling or corroded power lines or "hot spots."

Overgrown Grass or Weeds Complaint

Report overgrown grass or weeds on highways, traffic islands, or medians.

Pigeon Droppings or Odor Complaint

Report pigeon waste or odor.

Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Information or Complaint

Get information about Pre-Kindergarten or make a complaint about a facility or worker.

Private Ferry Service Information or Complaint

Get schedules and routes or make a complaint about the New York Water Taxi, New York Waterway, or Seastreak.

Public Housing Information or Complaint

Get information or make a complaint about public housing.

Public Housing Maintenance Complaint

Report a maintenance problem in a New York City Housing Authority building.

Public School Complaint

Report a problem with a public school or employee.

Public Utility Complaint

Make a complaint about a public utility company.

Reckless Driving

Report reckless or dangerous driving in progress.

Recycling or Trash Bin Storage Complaint

Report of a garbage or recycling container in the wrong place or left out at the wrong time.

Rent Security Interest Information or Complaint

Get information or make a complaint about rent security interest.

Restaurant Letter Grading Complaint

Complaint about a missing, fake or incorrect food establishment letter grade.

Restaurant Odor

Report a smell coming from a restaurant.

Retail Store Complaint

Make a complaint about a store that commits fraud or uses deceptive practices.

Sales Tax Complaint

Report a merchant charging the wrong amount of sales tax.

Sewer Line Complaint

Report of a damaged sewer line.

Sidewalk Collapsed

Report a sidewalk that has collapsed.

Sign Blocked by Tree Complaint

Report a tree that is covering a street or highway sign from view.

Smoking Information or Complaint

Learn about smoking laws or report smoking where it is not allowed.

Speed Reducer Request or Complaint

Request that the City install, repair, or remove a speed hump in the street.

Standing Water Complaint

Report standing water at an outdoor location.

Stolen Property

Report stolen property.

Store Door Open While Air Conditioner Running

Make a complaint about chain stores that leave their doors open while the air conditioner or central cooling system is on.

Street Vendor Complaint

Report a problem with a street vendor or peddler.

Street or Highway Line Marking Request or Complaint

Report a problem with street or highway traffic line markings. Request a new street crosswalk. Get information about pre-construction pavement markings.

Tax Preparation Guide or Complaint

Get information about your rights when working with a tax preparer, or make a complaint about a person offering tax preparation services.

Tow Truck Complaint

Report a problem with a tow truck company or driver.

Traffic Trend Information or Complaint

Get information or make a complaint about traffic patterns or trends.

Trash Disposal Complaint

Report the use of another person's trash bin or placement of trash in front of another location.

Unfair Labor Practice Complaint

Report a violation of a labor law.

Unleashed Dog Complaint

Report an unleashed dog.

Vacant Lot Complaint

Report litter or a missing fence on a vacant lot.

Vacate Order Information or Complaint

Get information about a vacate order or report failure to vacate.

Water Main Break

Report a possible water main break.

Water Wasting Complaint

Report the use of too much water.

Wild, Stray, or Injured Animal in a Park

Report a wild, stray, or injured animal in a park.